Leap Day Sale

Leap Day Sale

29% OFF for 290 MINUTESFREE PEARL BRACELETSto the first 29 attendees February 29th, 11am – 3pm Leap Day is also known in Irish tradition as Bachelor’s Day. On this one day every four years it’s traditional for women to initiate dances and even propose marriage to men. To celebrate, Atlanta Diamond Design is offering 29%…


Avoid The Plug

Make it Sentimental & Keep it Classy Get her something that doesn’t plug in.Guaranteed to spark joy,and the sparkle never crashes. Freshweater Cultured Pearl Bracelet $12 Value FREE with donation to ‘The Place’ This holiday season, your donation to ‘The Place’ earns you a FREE Pearl Bracelet (No Purchase Necessary) as well as the following…

Cleaning Fine Jewelry

Cleaning Fine Jewelry

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4_ckO-Lj_k Clean Jewelry Is Beautiful Jewelry Diamonds allure us with their sparkle and scintillation. We are drawn to the shine and shimmer of new jewelry. And yet we see it time and again in our stores – customers come in to shop for engagement rings and insist on the highest quality diamond, but then they…


Amethyst Properties: February Birthstone

Amethyst Properties and Characteristics February. The month of love, the calendar end of winter, and the month of extremely confusing birthdays. With the wintery whimsy starting to fade away and most people finally settling back into normal work schedules, perhaps it is appropriate that amethyst is the birthstone for February. St. Valentine wore an amethyst…